Sunday, April 12, 2009

Walks, poopy diapers, and sleepness nights

Aly's hiccups video

We're convinced that Aly is absolutely the cutest baby on earth, with the cutest hiccups ever. It's so much fun to watch her grow (literally!) each day, gaining new abilities and having new experiences.

It's a game of firsts. First poopy diaper (that didn't take long), first bath (and first and second poops in the bath), first walk in the stroller outside, first visit to the grocery store, first time at church, etc. The game of firsts is our new favorite game. That, and the game we play where we just stare at her and think about how much we love her. We play that one a lot.

Can you tell how excited we are about our new bundle of joy? Sure, there are the downsides - lack of sleep, lack of sleep, and more lack of sleep - but the upsides outnumber these a million to one. Babies are so great!


Seth and Sierra said...

Cute!!! Congrats you guys!! She's beautiful.

Solomon and Lyndsie said...

We are so happy for you both and we are grateful that everything went so well with the labor! Kids are absolutely the best and it gets better and better everyday!!! She is gorgeous and we loved her sweet baby hiccups! Take care of yourselves.

Renae said...

What a cutie! Watching the hiccup video makes me miss her all the more!

jen said...

Congratulations David and Erin!! She was born 8 days after our baby! What a cute little baby. Welcome to the world of parenting!! :)

Unknown said...

are you the cutest or what?! I enjoyed just staring at her today. she's so pretty. Have you figured out whose baby picture/family she looks like more? I'm so happy for you. The hiccups are adorable!

Jen said...

She is such a beautiful little girl! If you guys ever need any help, let me know! I'll take any excuse to get over there to see that fun baby :)

Brittany said...

Congrats! what a sweet little girl.